Alok Kumar Yadav

Contact No: +91-***933[ Request Callback]



Profile Summary:

Near to 7 years 10 months of experience in software development with product based company Nokia Networks in Embedded C, Data Structure, Multithreading, TCP/IP, Socket, TR-181 mapper, Networking, OpenWrt, IOT and Broadcom/MTK/QCA SDK.

Skill Sets:

Languages & OS: C, C++, Embedded OS, Linux, Shell Script, sqlite3, Basic MySQL, Basic Java, HTML, Basic PHP, Basic JavaScript

Micro-Controllers & Boards: ARM Cortex, ARM 7TDMI, AVR, 8051, 8085

Software Package & Tools: Valgrind, Mercurial, Git, Eclipse, Android Studio, Atmel Studio, Review Board, WINSCP, MobaXTerm, VNC

Work Experience:

Nokia Alcatel-Lucent:

Technical Specialist (July 2023 – Present)

Took ownership to implement TR181 Device.Bdriding support.

Technical Lead (July 2019 – June 2023)

Took ownership to implement memory profiling library to monitor memory leaks.

Added Whole Home Wi-Fi data models in TR181 and ported TR181 mapper in Nokia beacons.

Design and implemented shell script to update cURL in mercurial repo automatically.

Worked on remote connection of mobile application session handling and data sending.

Completed POC and made changes in Nokia acquired software to make it run on Nokia Whole Home Wi-Fi platform.

Closely worked with systems team on Nokia acquired software for customer demo.

Design and implemented a script to generate config file from xlsx sheet in the desired format.

Design and created a common build SDK for generating builds for different types of platforms.

Implemented script to build new IPK and upload the IPK to jFrog on SonarQube & Sanity verification.

Implemented script to send a system-generated notification to all team members on the publishing of a new version of IPK in jFrog.

Improved teams code quality by continuous monitoring of code drops through SonarQube.

Design and implemented a CICD script for handling new code drops and automated build triggers using Jenkins.

Worked with UBUS for Inter-process communication between various applications in OpenWrt.

Took ownership to implement compression using zlib in cloud connectivity over HTTP(s) to send/get configuration and stats of radio/mesh topology.

Took ownership to implement unique node ID generation using libuuid and custom cli tool.

Took ownership to implement a bridge b/w REST to UBUS/DBUS and vice versa.

Worked with function pointers to create an abstraction layer for team owned modules.

Took ownership to start non core modules with non-root user and ACL's for UBUS/DBUS connectivity.

Worked with iptables to create pinhole for statefull firewall.

Started working with lanhost to maintain host info for TR181/TR098 datamodel.

Started working in firewall from May 2022 and implementing IPv6 firewall.

Senior Engineer (July 2018 – June 2019)

Improved the mobile agent module to configure websocket with multiple credentials.

Improved the websocket module to handle long data and added keep alive.

Took ownership to implement the mesh communication module to sync the configuration between mesh topology.

Took ownership to implement the connection with mesh middleware to get mesh configuration and stats of mesh topology.

Took ownership to implement band steering rollback if device is not supporting.

Worked with JSON library to parse information given by mesh middleware.

Deployed coverity tool locally for daily run using Jenkins and implemented GUI analysis using Chart.js.

Improved teams code quality by continuous monitoring of code drops through local coverity tool and review board.

Worked with cURL library to connect with cloud.

Worked with sqlite3 library to store/update data.

Worked on multithreads and IPC communications.

Design and implemented memory performance monitor tool for team owned processes.

Provided the monthly release to test folks on time.

Graduate Engineer Trainee (April 2017 – June 2018)

Design and Implemented shell scripts to interface with IP camera SD Card (D-Link).

Design and Implemented IOT tar ball scrambler and descrambler.

Got reward for IOT tar ball scrambling and descrambling with cashback.

Performed POC and tests on various IOT Devices like doorbell, plug and color bulb.

Worked on Whole Home WiFi Project in C programming.

Took ownership to communicate with Mobile APP through Websocket.

Worked on the TCP/IP socket to connect MAPP through websocket.

Design and Implemented Unix socket for inter process communication of websoket module.

Websocket Open Source packages analysis and implementation with company FOSS rules.

Took ownership to implement the mobile agent module to configure websocket credential.

Worked with JSON library to frame data form mobile application

Educational Qualifications:

Completed 6 months PG-Diploma in Embedded System and Design with Distinction from CDAC ACTS, Pune.

Completed B.Tech in Electronics and Communication Engineering with Distinction from Shri Mata Vaishno Devi University in 2016.

Completed Intermediate in Computer with Higher Distinction from CBSE Board in 2011.

Completed High School with Higher Distinction from CBSE Board in 2009

Paper Publication:

Published a paper named Transition from Analog To Digital Television at IEEE ICECCT 2015 Conference (vol., no., pp.1-5, 5-7 March 2015 doi: 10.1109/ICECCT.2015.7226180)

Published a paper named Accident Vehicle Tracking System at IEEE ICKCE dated 25-27 march 2015 (Conference ID: 36352x, PID: 3621229).